Many migration strategies have been proposed forPrisoner's Dilemma game on square lattice, such as randommigration, success-driven migration and adaptive ...
We study the evolution of cooperation in prisoner's dilemma game by combining the extortion strategy and migration mechanism.
2016 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 14th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 2nd Intl Conf on Big Data ...
The result indicates that a higher level of cooperation is obtained at a lower migration cost, whereas cooperation is suppressed at a higher migration cost. Our ...
2009/08/10 · Spatial games are crucial for understanding patterns of cooperation in nature (and to some extent society).
2024/04/03 · We study a model for switching strategies in the Prisoner's Dilemma game on adaptive networks of player pairings that coevolve as players ...
2009/07/19 · We find that VMLD, compared to IPLD, better supports the spreading and sustaining of cooperation. We see that noise has nontrivial effects on ...
The iterated Prisoner's Dilemma has become the standard model for the evolution of cooperative behavior within a community of egoistic agents, frequently cited ...
This paper concerns the evolution of the prisoner's dilemma game on regular lattices with three different types of neighborhoods--the von Neumann, Moore, and ...
Effect of Different Migration Strategies on Evolution of Cooperation in Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Game · 来自学术范. 作者. H Ding,X Chen,B Shi,Y Ye,Y Ren.