Choosing to help in-game increased donating, a real-life prosocial behavior. Rewarding voluntary prosocial decisions affected donating and in-game reasoning.
Recently, researchers have become increasingly interested in the potential of video games to promote real-life prosocial behavior.
In sum, these findings highlight the role of prosocial video game content and game rewards to shape player reasoning and real-life prosocial behavior.
For example, in-game prosocial decisions were found to increase people's subsequent donating behaviors (Iten et al., 2018) . Exposure to prosocial video games ...
2018/12/01 · Recently, researchers have become increasingly interested in the potential of video games to promote real-life prosocial behavior.
2021/10/21 · Rewards are a common element in modern videogame design and can change the way people reason about their prosocial behaviours.
2024/01/01 · Those who act prosocially in videogames are more likely to be prosocial after the game. In-game rewards may impact this prosocial transfer to ...
The aim of this research was to determine the impact that in-game rewards for helping have on post-game prosocial behaviour.
2023/10/19 · It has been argued that in-game prosocial acts may transfer to players' real-life behavior. But so far little is known about how video games ...
2022/09/15 · This study examines if and how players' perceptions of mutual dependence and power in MMO games are related to toxicity and prosocial behavior in games.