D-DASH is a dataset of content for the Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) standard from MPEG. It is mirrored over different sites at different ...
This paper presents a distributed dataset for the recently published MPEG-DASH standard which is mirrored at different sites across Europe, namely Klagenfurt, ...
Thus, this distributed DASH dataset can be used for real-world evaluations enabling the simulation of switching between different content delivery networks.
This paper presents a distributed dataset for the recently published MPEG-DASH standard which is mirrored at different sites across Europe, namely Klagenfurt, ...
This paper presents a distributed dataset for the recently published MPEG-DASH standard which is mirrored at different sites across Europe, ...
In the first part of the experiment, we evaluate the accuracy of performance prediction in offline context using a given bandwidth trace obtained from a ...
2013/03/01 · ABSTRACT. The delivery of multimedia content over HTTP and on top of existing Internet infrastructures is becoming the preferred method.
Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) has been widely used in video streaming recently. In DASH, the client downloads video chunks in order from a server.
This submission includes a link to the DASH (Horizontal distributed acoustic sensing) data files that were resampled in time to 100 samples per second from ...
2023/10/09 · Distributed DASH Dataset · Fonction : Auteur · PersonId : 1970 · IdHAL : cyril-concolato · IdRef : 126403767.