2023/01/27 · This work proposed a new articulated swimming paddle, which can adjust its stiffness (ie, F and LF-states) by simply displacing a thin laminate inside.
2023/01/27 · A novel swimming paddle that can switch two different stiffness states by sliding a laminate inside and its application to a swimming robot is studied.
2023/01/27 · This work introduces a novel swimming paddle that can adjust the stiffness and its application to a non‐tethered swimming robot. The thrust ...
Development of a Stiffness‐Adjustable Articulated Paddle and its Application to a Swimming Robot. B Kwak, S Choi, J Bae. Advanced Intelligent Systems 5 (5) ...
With the stiffness variation, the developed tensegrity robotic fish achieves a maximum swimming velocity of 295 mm/s (0.84 body length per second, BL/s).
2024/01/19 · A design of a flexible passive joint paddle was proposed in this study, and a dynamics model and simulation of the paddle were experimentally verified.
5 日前 · The VSPM adjusts joint stiffness through temperature control, meeting locomotion requirements in both aerial and aquatic modes. A dynamic model ...
In this paper, we propose two types of device with tunable bending stiffness controlled by electrostatic force or pneumatic force.
2024/02/21 · The effect of the distribution of body stiffness on swimming performance and propulsion generation is discussed with different pitch frequencies ...
2024/01/02 · Design, analysis, and simulation of a planar serial-parallel mechanism for a compliant robotic fish with variable stiffness.