(t, k)-Diagnosis, which is a generalization of sequential diagnosis, requires that at least k faulty processors be identified and repaired in each iteration ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Conditional (t,k)-Diagnosis in graphs by using the comparison diagnosis model'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort ...
2016/06/28 · Assume that there are at most t faulty vertices. A system is conditionally (t, k)-diagnosable if at least k faulty vertices (or all faulty ...
2021/01/06 · In this paper, we completely determine the conditional diagnosability of Cayley graphs generated by wheel graphs under the PMC model.
Conditional (t,k)-Diagnosis in Graphs by Using the Comparison Diagnosis Model. Chun-An Chen, Guey-Yun Chang and Sun-Yuan Hsieh. 1 Jan 2014 | IEEE Transactions ...
In this paper, assuming that each vertex is neighboring to at least one fault-free vertex, we investigate the (t,k)-diagnosability of a graph G under the ...
The conditional diagnosability of a system refers to the maximum cardinality of the conditional faulty sets can be identified by the system.
$(t,k)$ -Diagnosis, which is a generalization of sequential diagnosis, requires that at least $k$ faulty processors be identified and repaired in each ...
A system is conditionally ( t , k )- diagnosable if at least k faulty vertices (or all faulty vertices if fewer than k faulty vertices remain) can be identified ...
Bibliographic details on Conditional (t, k)-Diagnosis in Graphs by Using the Comparison Diagnosis Model.