Complementary convolutional code is a block of convolutional codes and their complements. These code blocks are used to map a block of data and design coded ...
Abstract—This paper presents a method of error control coding based on complementary convolutional codes. Complementary convolutional code is a block of ...
The system under study is a convolutionally coded and orthogonally modulated DS-CDMA system in time-varying frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels. In ...
The invention provides optimal complementary punctured convolutional codes for coding information bits in a communication system.
In the BICM systems, the performance of the binary code is a key factor to the system performance. Convolutional code is often adopted in BICM systems. Hybrid ...
含まれない: Coding. | 必須にする:Coding.
2019/05/01 · Complementary convolutional code is a block of convolutional codes and their complements. These code blocks are used to map a block of data and ...
Abstract—A new class of (2k, k, 1) convolutional codes is proposed based on the method that creating long codes by short ones in this paper, by embedding ...
Convolutional codes are practical codes that encode messages by using a combination of Reed-Solomon codes and a shift register.
– The code rate of a convolutional code tells you how many parity bits are sent for each message bit. We'll mostly be talking about rate 1/r codes, i.e., r ...
We now introduce binary linear convolutional codes, which like binary linear block codes are useful in the power-limited (low-SNR, low-ρ) regime.