2018/07/13 · An H-packing P is maximal if there is no other H-packing of G that properly contains P. Packings of maximum cardinality have been studied ...
Packings of maximum cardinality have been studied intensively, with several recent breakthrough results. Here, we consider minimum cardinality maximal packings.
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Packings of maximum cardinality have been studied intensively, with several recent breakthrough results. Here, we consider minimum cardinality maximal packings.
An H H H -packing P P \mathcal{P} of G G G is perfect if every edge of G G G belongs to an element of P P \mathcal{P} . In case when there is a perfect H ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Clumsy packings of graphs'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort by; Weight · Alphabetically. Keyphrases. Graph ...
A pentagonal packing is maximal if the complement of the union of its pentagons is pentagon-free. The spectrum S(5)(n) for maximal pentagonal packings is the ...
Let G be a graph. A matching of G is a set of independent edges. The ratio of the minimum and maximum size of a maximal matching, r(G) ...
Abstract - Clumsy packing is considered an inefficient packing, meaning we find the minimum number of objects we can pack into a space so that we can not ...
1996/11/28 · Abstract. For every fixed graph H, we determine the H-packing number of Kn, for all n>n0(H). We prove that if h is the number of edges of H, ...