Abstract. We present high probability differential trails on 2 and 3 rounds of BLAKE-32. Using the trails we are able to launch boomerang attacks on up to 8 ...
Using the trails we are able to launch boomerang attacks on up to 8 round-reduced keyed permutation of BLAKE-32. Also, we show that boomerangs can be used as ...
In this paper we study boomerang attacks in the chosen-key setting. This is particularly relevant to hash function analysis, since many boomerang attacks have ...
Boomerang Attacks on BLAKE-32. Authors: Alex Biryukov · Ivica Nikolic · Arnab Roy. Download: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21702-9_13: URL: https://www.iacr.org/ ...
Using the trails presented, the authors are able to launch boomerang attacks on up to 8 round-reduced keyed permutation of BLAKE-32 and show that boomerangs ...
PDF | We present high probability differential trails on 2 and 3 rounds of BLAKE-32. Using the trails we are able to launch boomerang attacks on up to 8.
Using the trails we are able to launch boomerang attacks on up to 8 round-reduced keyed permutation of BLAKE-32. Also, we show that boomerangs can be used as ...
We present high probability differential trails on 2 and 3 rounds of BLAKE-32. Using the trails we are able to launch boomerang attacks on up to 8.
According to this analysis, some tweaks introduced by BLAKE2 have increased its resistance against boomerang attacks to a certain extent, but on the whole ...
2011/02/15 · BLAKE is now one of the five finalists in SHA-3 competition anounced by NIST. One of the two (Addition-Rotation-Xor)ARX designs in the.