Course and exercise sequencing using metadata in adaptive hypermedia learning systems. In the last few years the (semi-) automatic sequencing of course material ...
Existing systems dealing with exercises usually concern automatic generation of exercises adapted to the students or adaptation of the content of the exercises.
In the last few years the automatic sequencing of Course material became an important research issue, particularly with regard to the standardization of ...
Automatic Creation of Exercises in Adaptive Hypermedia Learning Systems. Key: FS00-1. Author: Stephan Fischer, Ralf Steinmetz. Date: June 2000.
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Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev. Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on ...
In this article we explain how a knowledge library can be used to create exercises automatically. We give an example of how courses can be sequenced in general ...
This work describes a framework that combines techniques from Adaptive Hypermedia and Natural Language processing in order to create, in a fully automated way, ...
In the past decade, a number of adaptive hypermedia learning systems have been developed. However, most of these systems tailor presentation content and ...
[27] Fischer S.Automatic creation of exercises in adaptive hypermedia learning systems.In:Proceedings 11 th ACM on Hypertext and hyper media? San Antonio ...