An initial pipeline is described for processing cellular-level neuronal fiber data acquired by a new super resolution imaging method called Magnified Analysis ...
Early results are encouraging: neuronal fibers have been identified and traced over relatively long distances from their cell bodies to structures tentatively ...
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An initial pipeline is described for processing cellular-level neuronal fiber data acquired by a new super resolution imaging method called Magnified ...
2016/09/25 · connectivity. An initial pipeline is described for processing cellular-level neuronal fiber data acquired by a new super resolution imaging ...
2024/07/01 · Using volume electron microscopy and a dedicated software we can trace and measure all nerve fibers present within different samples of brain tissue.
2023/03/05 · Diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography is the only tool for non-invasive mapping of macroscopic structural connectivity over the entire brain.
Initial progress is presented here on a processing pipeline for automated tracing and connectivity mapping for high-density volumetric neuronal fibers. This ...
2024/03/13 · These monosynaptic transneuronal tracers prove indispensable for mapping long-distance connections and the mesoscale cellular connectome (CC).
2021/07/23 · This study demonstrated a novel cortical mapping method based on these three fiber categories using MR tractography data.