2014/12/14 · ABSTRACT. Assessment for the TREC Contextual Suggestion Track is unusual in that it depends on the personal preferences of as- sessors.
2013/06/18 · Evaluation was based on precision@5. As the primary ba- sis for evaluation, a suggestion was counted as “relevant” if the suggestion was ...
Abstract. In this paper we describe our efforts for TREC Contextual Suggestion task. Our goal of this year is to evaluate the effectiveness of (1) an ...
Title: Evaluating Contextual Suggestion; Event: Fifth International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access; Book/source title: Proceedings of the Fifth ...
2013/09/29 · The problem of contextual suggestion is defined as finding suggested places for a user based on the temporal and geographical context of the ...
This thesis examines techniques that can be used to evaluate systems that solve the complex task of suggesting points of interest to users.
ABSTRACT. Contextual suggestion aims at recommending items to users given their current context, such as location-based tourist recommenda-.
The task aims at providing recommendations on points of attraction for different kind of users and a varying context. Our group DPLAB IITBHU tries to address ...
2024/09/05 · LLM-CI uses a Contextual Integrity-based factorial vignette methodology to assess the encoded norms across different contexts and LLMs. We ...
The 10% of labeled data allows to model the venues' contextual appropriateness given the users' context and to make prediction for the remaining 90% of the data ...