We propose a custom pre-trained backbone and a tailored optimization function to address these challenges. Our method demonstrates superior performance in ABP ...
Abstract—Accurate and continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure (ABP) is vital for clinical hemodynamic monitoring. However, current methods are ...
ArterialNet: Arterial Blood Pressure Reconstruction ... To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors.
ArterialNet is a pre-training framework that can be paired with any deep learning sequence-to-sequence model for arterial blood pressure (ABP) reconstruction.
Built a reconstruction model of central arterial pressure waveform based on deep learning to obtain more robust features.
2022/08/18 · This paper proposes a deep learning model with a W-Net architecture to reconstruct ABP signals from PPG.
We present an algorithm for the quantification of signal quality and for the reconstruction of the ABP waveform in noise-corrupted segments of the measurement.
2020/04/24 · We propose a systematic 5-step approach that helps to (1) choose the catheter insertion site, (2) choose the type of arterial catheter, (3) place the arterial ...
2021/08/03 · We developed a novel approach to impute the continuous ABP waveform non-invasively using two continuously-monitored waveforms that are currently part of the ...
In conclusion, the Nexfin measures arterial blood pressure noninvasively and continuously using physiologic pressure reconstruction. This reconstruction results ...