In this paper we describe anO(log2 k) approximation algorithm for this directed multicut problem. Ifk ⪡ n, this represents an improvement over theO(log n log ...
The Directed Multicut (DM) problem is: given a simple directed graph G = (V,E) with positive capacities u e on the edges, and a set K ⊆ V × V of ordered ...
In this paper, we present approximation algorithms for the directed multi-multiway cut and directed multicut problems. The so called region growing paradigm ...
The Directed Multicut (DM) problem is: given a simple directed graph G = (V,E) with positive capacities ue on the edges, and a set K ⊆ V × V of ordered ...
2019/03/30 · Abstract. In this paper, we present two approximation algorithms for the directed multi-multiway cut and directed multicut problems.
The Directed Multicut (DM) problem is: given a simple directed graph G = (V, E) with positive capacities ue on the edges, and a set K ⊆ V × V of ordered ...
The best approximation ratio known for DM is min{O(Ön), opt}{\{O({\sqrt n}), opt\}} by Anupam Gupta [5], where n = |V|, and opt is the optimal solution value.
reed approximation algorithms for directed multicuts. Yana Kortsarts. Widener University. Chester, PA ybnbko@ci.widener.edu. Guy Kortsarz. Rutgers University.
The paper is an attempt to remedy the situation. We consider the problem of finding a minimum multicut in a directed multicommodity flow network, and give the ...
2016/10/07 · In this paper, we present two approximation algorithms for the directed multi-multiway cut and directed multicut problems.