2012/05/23 · Given a graph H = (U, E) and connectivity requirements r = {r(u,v) : u, v ∈ R ⊆ U}, we say that H satisfies r if it contains r(u, ...
2013/04/29 · Our approximation ratio for ST-MSP is 1+\ln(\Delta-1)+\epsilon in an arbitrary normed space, which in \mathbb{R}^2 reduces to 1+\ln 4+\epsilon < ...
In the (node-connectivity version of the) Survivable Network Design Problem (SNDP) we are given a graph G = (V,E) with edge costs and connectivity requirements, ...
We consider the Survivable Network with Minimum Number of Steiner Points (SN-MSP) problem: given a finite set V of points in a normed space (M, k·k) and ...
For the Steiner Forest with Minimum Number of Steiner Points problem we give a simple Δ-approximation algorithm, improving the ratio 2(Δ−1) of [21]. We also ...
Given a graph H = (U, E) and connectivity requirements r = {r(u,v) : u, v ∈ R ⊆ U}, we say that H satisfies r if it contains r(u, ...
We consider the Survivable Network with Minimum Number of Steiner Points. (SN-MSP) problem: given a finite set V of points in a normed space (M,k·k), and.
For Steiner Tree with Minimum Number of Steiner Points we improve the ratio ( Δ + 1 ) / 2 to 1 + ln ⁡ ( Δ − 1 ) .
Approximating survivable networks with minimum number of steiner points. Authors. Kamma, Lior; Nutov, Zeev. Abstract. Given a graph H = ( U, E) and ...
https://dblp.org/rec/conf/waoa/KammaN10 · Lior Kamma, Zeev Nutov: Approximating Survivable Networks with Minimum Number of Steiner Points. WAOA 2010: 154-165.