Abstract. Context-Sensitive Systems (CSS) must detect variations in their op- erating context and adapt their behavior in response to such variations.
This is the second paper of a two-part series where we develop and analyze a finite element approximation for a degenerate elliptic-parabolic partial ...
Bibliographic details on An empirical study on the use of context annotations and flow expressions to specify the behavior of context-sensitive systems.
This chapter discusses how Software Engineering techniques can be used to support context-sensitive system development and presents a software process named ...
2016/05/17 · Context-sensitive systems use contextual information in order to adapt to the user's current needs or requirements failure.
An empirical study on the use of context annotations and flow expressions to specify the behavior of context-sensitive systems. CIbSE 2016: 318-331. [c38].
An empirical study on the use of context annotations and flow expressions to specify the behavior of context-sensitive systems. Conference Paper. Apr 2016.
Abstract. Software systems are being used in ever more diverse and dynamic environments where they have to routinely and efficiently adapt to changing en-.
含まれない: empirical | 必須にする:empirical
Specify idle states. Contextual Design Goal Model with monitoring points. Specification of flow expressions sub-process. Page 17. 17. Flow Expressions. ST4 ...
An empirical study on the use of context annotations and flow expressions to specify the behavior of context-sensitive systems. Jéssyka Vilela, Jaelson ...