In this paper, we propose an Actor-Centric Causality. Graph (ACCG) Model to detect the asynchronous causal- ity relation for group activity recognition. Figure ...
In this paper, we propose an Actor-Centric Causality Graph Model, which learns the asynchronous temporal causality relation with three modules, i.e., an ...
2024/05/03 · Figure 2. The overview of the actor-centric causality graph model. The base model learns the relation with synchronous features at each.
In this paper, we propose an Actor-Centric Causality Graph Model, which learns the asynchronous temporal causality relation with three modules, i.e., an ...
2022/07/29 · In this paper, we propose an Actor-Centric Causality. Graph (ACCG) Model to detect the asynchronous causal- ity relation for group activity ...
In this paper, we propose an Actor-Centric Causality Graph Model, which learns the asynchronous temporal causality relation with three modules.
In this paper, the authors propose a new model called Actor-Centric Causality Graph (ACCG) Model for group activity recognition.
An Actor-Centric Causality Graph for Asynchronous Temporal Inference in Group Activity · Global Temporal Difference Network for Action Recognition.
2024/04/12 · An Actor-Centric Causality Graph for Asynchronous Temporal Inference in Group Activity. date:2023-11-14clicks:139. Journal:CVPR 2023.
An Actor-Centric Causality Graph for Asynchronous Temporal Inference in Group Activity. 点击次数:135; 发表刊物:CVPR 2023; 是否译文:否.