This paper analyzes a method for the dynamic selection of diagnostic methods. This method is proposed for use in an intelligent medical diagnostic system. Real- ...
Several data mining methods have recently been developed to extract knowledge from large data bases. The problem selecting the most appropriate data mining ...
The goal of this paper is to analyze a methodfor dynamic selection of diagnostic methods. This method is proposed for use in an intel ligentmedical diagnostic ...
A3 Book section, Chapters in research books. Advanced Dynamic Selection of Diagnostic Methods (1998). Tsymbal, O., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1998).
Advanced dynamic selection of diagnostic methods. Conference Paper. Jul 1998 ... This paper analyzes a method for the dynamic selection of diagnostic methods.
Molecular diagnostic testing enables the analysis of patient's biomarkers in the genome, transcriptome, or proteome. The use of these tests is increasing in ...
Tsymbal, O., Puuronen, S., & Terziyan, V. (1998). Advanced Dynamic Selection of Diagnostic Methods. In Proc. 11th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical ...
Advanced diagnostics are evolving with new cutting-edge techniques rapidly being developed, such as gene expression profiling, immune sequencing and liquid ...
This chapter explores the evolution and significance of advanced diagnostics tools in complex system management, emphasizing the shift toward integrated, ...
The model includes nine steps: test selection and ordering, sample collection, patient identification, sample transportation, sample preparation, sample ...