We present new data structures for representing binary relations in an adaptive way, that is, for certain classes of inputs we achieve space below the ...
Adaptive Data Structures for. Permutations and Binary. Relations. Francisco Claude and J. Ian Munro. NII Shonan Seminar #29, 28 September 2013. Monday, 30 ...
We present new data structures for representing binary relations in an adaptive way, that is, for certain classes of inputs we achieve space below the ...
New data structures for representing binary relations in an adaptive way are presented, that is, for certain classes of inputs the authors achieve space ...
Bibliographic details on Adaptive Data Structures for Permutations and Binary Relations.
Adaptive Data Structures for Permutations and Binary Relations. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-02432-5_11 · Full text. Journal: String Processing and ...
Adaptive Data Structures for Permutations and Binary Relations. Francisco Claude, J. Ian Munro. Anthology ID: DBLP:conf/spire/ClaudeM13; Volume: String ...
We present new data structures for representing binary relations in an adaptive way, that is, for certain classes of inputs we achieve space below the general ...
As a first contribution to the discussion, we present two data structures for binary relations, each of which achieves a distinct tradeoff between the space ...
Succinct Data Structures, Permutations, Functions, Text Strings, Binary Relations. Plan. PROBLEM DEFINITION; KEY RESULTS; APPLICATIONS. Functions; Text Strings ...