2021/05/19 · Abstract: We construct and analyze active learning algorithms for the problem of binary classification with abstention, in which the learner ...
Abstract: We consider the problem of binary classification with the caveat that the learner can abstain from declaring a label incurring a cost λ ∈ [0,1/2] ...
Our proposed algorithm can work in all the commonly used active learning query models, namely membership-query, pool-based and stream-based. We obtain an upper ...
2019/06/01 · Abstract:We construct and analyze active learning algorithms for the problem of binary classification with abstention.
We construct and analyze active learning algorithms for the problem of binary classification with abstention, in which the learner has an additional option ...
2019/06/01 · Abstract. We construct and analyze active learning algorithms for the problem of binary classification with abstention.
We construct and analyze active learning algorithms for the problem of binary classification with abstention. We consider three abstention settings: ...
The goal of active learning is to achieve the same accuracy achievable by passive learning, while using much fewer labels. Exponential savings in terms of ...
The goal of active learning is to achieve the same accuracy achievable by passive learning, while using much fewer labels. Exponential savings in terms of ...
Classification with abstention refers to the classification problems in which the learner can also abstain from declaring a label, ie, a don't know option.