In this paper, stability analysis of walking gaits and robustness analysis are developed for a five-link and four-actuator biped robot. Stability conditions are ...
This paper is devoted to a stability study of a walking gait for a biped. The walking gait is periodic and it is composed of a single-support phase, ...
In this paper, stability analysis of walking gaits and robustness analysis are developed for a five-link and four-actuator biped robot.
A simple stability study for a biped walk with under and over actuated phases. Sylvain Miossec, Yannick Aoustin. A simple stability study for a biped walk ...
We numerically study the orbital stability with Poincare' map in seven dimensions of a cyclic dynamically sta- ble gait which is composed of single and ...
... phase for which the biped is. overactuated, they are able to start from a stop phase. A stability study is proposed in this paper for a walking. biped with an ...
2005/07/05 · It is shown that due to the given control law for the overactuated double-support phase, a cyclic motion is practically guaranteed to be stable.
含まれない: simple | 必須にする:simple
Abstract. This paper present a self-excited walking of a four- link biped mechanism which possesses an actuated hip joint and passive knee joints.
2021/05/30 · Introduction. This paper explores the range of feasible speeds for a planar biped that adopts two walking motions, which differ in the ...
This paper relaxes that assumption and undertakes a comprehensive study of the compass gait biped on slippery ground.