In this game, the data source and relays nodes rank one another based on preference functions that capture the data sources need to optimize their utilities ...
The system features include delay tolerant networking, caching of the web requests and fully decentralized operation. The system design exploits well ...
Bibliographic details on A college admissions game for content caching in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks.
2021. A college admissions game for content caching in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks. OA Oualhaj, E Sabir, A Kobbane, J Ben-Othman, M El Koutbi. 2016 ...
2024/04/25 · A college admissions game for content caching in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks. ICT 2016: 1-5. [c3]. view. electronic edition via DOI ...
<http://purl.org/dc/terms/title>. "a college admissions game for content caching in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema ...
A college admissions game for content caching in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks. ... heterogeneous vehicular networks: A graph theory and a signaling game ...
"A coalitional-game-based incentive mechanism for content caching in heterogeneous Delay Tolerant Networks" (2015) IWCMC 2015 - 11th International Wireless ...
A college admissions game for content caching in heterogeneous delay tolerant networks. Dans 2016 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT ...
This paper focuses on content caching in multi-cell MEC systems. In each cell, the local cache server downloads contents from the remote cloud server via a ...