2019/11/01 · Group testing is a scenario in which each test is on a subset of items and determines whether the subset contains at least one defective item.
Our main contribution is proposing a class of recursive testing strategies Af for integers f≥1, such that for strategy Af each item participates in at most f ...
In many fault-detection problems, we want to identify defective items from a set of n items using the minimum number of tests. Group testing is a scenario in ...
2019/05/15 · In this paper, we study a variant of the classical group testing problem, which we call IGI (Identifying Good Items) problem.
ChengY. et al. A class of asymptotically optimal group screening strategies with limited item participation. Discrete Appl. Math.
A class of asymptotically optimal group screening strategies with limited item participation. 83-95. view. electronic edition via DOI · unpaywalled version ...
A class of asymptotically optimal group screening strategies with limited item participation · Mathematics, Computer Science. Discrete Applied Mathematics · 2019.
A class of asymptotically optimal group screening strategies with limited item participation. Article. Jun 2019; DISCRETE APPL MATH. Yongxi Cheng ...
A class of asymptotically optimal group screening strategies with limited item participation. Yongxi Cheng, Yunyue Yang, Ding-Zhu Du. https://doi.org/10.1016 ...
... class of asymptotically optimal group screening strategies with limited item participation, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 270, 2019, 83-95 ... Combined Group ...