2023/12/01 · This paper aims to answer an open question recently posed in the literature, that is to find a fast exact method for solving the max-sum diversity problem.
This paper addresses a location-routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery (LRPSPD) which is a general case of the location-routing problem.
In this paper a Branch-and-Cut algorithm, based on a formulation previously introduced by us, is proposed for the Graph Coloring Problem.
The problem of simultaneously locating obnoxious facilities and routing obnoxious materials between a set of built-up areas and the facilities is addressed.
2022/07/22 · a fast exact method for solving the p-dispersion-sum problem (PDSP), a nonconcave quadratic binary maximization problem.
“Using Branch-and-Price-and-Cut to Solve Origin-Destination Integer Multicommodity Flow Problems.” Op. Res. 32(3), 208–220. Google Scholar. Benders, J.F. (1962) ...
The problem of simultaneously locating obnoxious facilities and routing obnoxious materials between a set of built-up areas and the facilities is addressed.
obnoxious facility. Transportation Science 27, 350–362. Stubbs, R. A. and S. Mehrotra (1999). A branch-and-cut method for 0-1 mixed convex programming.
2012/03/07 · Recently, a branch-and-cut algorithm has been proposed in [25]. Heuris- tics and meta-heuristics are proposed for dealing with the dynamic ...
2007/04/30 · In this work, a semi-obnoxious facility must be located in the Euclidean plane to give service to a group of customers. Simultaneously, a set of ...