Testing of communication protocols and applications using simulated networks is necessary. In this paper, we show the development of a network emulator ...
Testing of communication protocols and applications using simulated networks is necessary. In this paper, we show the development of a network emulator ...
Testing of communication protocols and applications using simulated networks is necessary. In this paper, we show the development of a network emulator ...
Testing of communication protocols and applications using simulated networks is necessary. In this paper, we show the development of a network emulator ...
Testing of communication protocols and applications us- ing simulated networks is necessary. In this paper, we show the development of a network emulator ...
Lenet is developed as a userland application which is typically used by end users and has similar functions and accuracy to the existing software emulators ...
A userland network emulator with packet capture and replay. K Maeda, M Ishino, E Kohno, T Kishida. 2007 International Symposium on Applications and the ...
Kohno, “A userland network emulator with replay and capture,” The 2007. International Symposium on Applications and the In- ternet (SAINT 2007), CD(8 ページ) ...
A Userland Network Emulator with Packet Capture and Replay. Kaori Maeda ... ネットワークエミュレータLenetのRTCPを用いたキャプチャ・リプレイ機能. 石野正英 ...
Design of Capture and Replay Function Using RTCP of A Network. Emulator ... 4) パケットキャプチャ・リプレイ機能. Lenet はキャプチャ機能を持っており,その ...