Petri nets slicing is a technique that aims to improve the verification of systems modeled in Petri nets. Petri nets slicing was first developed to ...
Petri nets slicing is a technique that aims to improve the verification of systems modeled in Petri nets. Different Petri nets slicing constructions are studied ...
1 A Survey of Petri nets Slicing YASIR IMTIAZ KHAN, Institute for Future Transport and Cities,. Coventry University, United Kingdom ALEXANDROS KONIOS, ...
The comparison of the slicing algorithms is carried out with respect to the safety properties of the two types of nets described above and it is observed ...
Abstract : [en] Petri nets slicing is a technique that aims to improve the verification of systems modeled in Petri nets. Petri nets slicing was first developed ...
Petri nets slicing is a technique that aims to improve the verification of systems modeled in Petri nets. Petri nets slicing was first developed to ...
A Survey of Petri Nets Slicing. Yasir Imtiaz Khan, Alexandros Konios, Nicolas Guelfi. A Survey of Petri Nets Slicing. ACM Computing Surveys, 51(5), 2019.
Abstract. Petri nets slicing is a technique that aims to improve the verification of systems modeled in Petri nets. Different Petri nets slicing ...
Petri net is an important tool to model and analyze concurrent systems, but Petri net models are frequently large and complex, and difficult to understand ...
Abstract. In this paper we introduce the notion of net-slice to describe a subnet of a marked Petri net Σ that approximates Σ's behaviour in.