In order to reduce the user's anxiety to store the private and confidential information in the cloud, various Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) techniques ...
Cloud computing is a new model that promises to provide business with and IT infrastructure that is flexible, reliable, availability, cost saving and easy to ...
In order to reduce the user's anxiety to store the private and confidential information in the cloud, various Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) techniques ...
2024/07/02 · This paper introduces a blockchain-based scheme for Secure and Anonymous Data Aggregation. The proposed scheme integrates cloud computing with blockchain ...
2024/05/13 · To address these challenges, we propose a privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme supporting data query (PAQ). We designed a multi-level data ...
2024/03/15 · A privacy-preserving and verifiable data aggregation scheme for IoV is proposed, namely PPVDA. In PPVDA, we employ homomorphic MAC and secret ...
Abstract—The use of IoT devices is increasingly present in our daily lives, as they offer many possibilities for developers.
2024/05/01 · Silva et al. [5] presents a solution for privacy and security preservation, also using Intel SGX and considering a smart metering application.
In this paper we show how Intel SGX technology can be used to provide a simple and general solution for the smart metering privacy problem that meets all these ...
Abstract. Data is generated over time by each device in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosphere. Recent years have seen a resurgence.