2020/08/07 · In this article, we present a new algorithm called DoTRo, which is based on a tree routing protocol. It starts with local leaders which will launch the ...
In wireless sensor and IoT networks dedicated to smart-cities, a leader node performs critical tasks such as generating encryption/decryption keys.
In wireless sensor and IoT networks dedicated to smart-cities, a leader node performs critical tasks such as generating encryption/decryption keys.
In wireless sensor and IoT networks dedicated to smart-cities, a leader node performs critical tasks such as generating encryption/decryption keys.
A new dominating tree routing algorithm for efficient leader election in IoT networks. A Bounceur, M Bezoui, M Lounis, R Euler, C Teodorov. 2018 15th IEEE ...
2024/04/25 · Al-Turjman : A Dominating Tree Based Leader Election Algorithm for Smart Cities IoT Infrastructure. Mob. Networks Appl. 28(2): 718-731 (2023).
A Dominating Tree Based Leader Election Algorithm for Smart Cities IoT Infrastructure. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2020. BookmarkDownloadEditCompare ...
Another election algorithm based on flooding and spanning trees, namely, Dominating Tree Routing (DoTRo), is presented in [24] . As a first step, several local ...
In this paper we present algorithms, which given a circular arrangement of n uniquely numbered processes, determine the maximum number in a distributive manner.
2019/07/01 · 2018. DoTRo: A New Dominating Tree Routing Algorithm for Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Leader Election in WSNs and IoT Networks. In International ...