2020/06/10 · This paper proposes a novel convolutional neural network model that can satisfy both efficiency and accuracy needs for real-time object detection.
ABSTRACT · The mainstream methods for object detection can be divided into two types: one-stage (based on Integrated Convolutional Network) and two-stage (based ...
In this work, we simulate the dynamic receptive field mechanism in the biological visual system (BVS) for application in object detection and image recognition.
2024/06/01 · According to current related academic and technical progress, the deep learning method can achieve higher precision and make test-time shorter.
2022/10/17 · A lightweight convolutional neural network model with receptive field block for C-shaped root canal detection in mandibular second molars.
2024/05/21 · First the paper introduced the essential concept and architecture of CNN. Secondly the methods that the way to solve the prevailing problems of ...
2022/06/15 · To extract features of objects of various sizes in the scene, the model needs small receptive fields to detect small objects and large receptive ...
A multi-rate dilated convolution module is proposed to form a feature map to locate small objects. Benefiting from the fact that the dilated convolution does ...
This article reviews the development of object detection networks. Starting from RCNN, we introduce object detection based on candidate regions.
We propose a single-stage detector named features enhancement and shift lightweight network in this work.