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Flames of Olympos #1

The Eighth House: Hades & Persephone

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Catch me, Darkness. Again and again.

The life of a virgin goddess might suit Artemis or Athena, but Persephone, daughter of Zeus, wants no part of it. While the rest of the immortals cavort, she grows restless in the shadow of Olympos.

Rules, rules. Always the rules. Her mother’s edict forbids her the company of any male god. She can’t speak to them, can’t look at them. Can’t even attend the Olympian feasts. As far as Demeter knows, her daughter remains a maiden.

But Persephone leads a double life. She finds her affection elsewhere, and in plentiful supply. If only the sons of Man made her happy. If only she could put a name to this need she feels. It grows by the day, dark and unfulfilled. An eternity of enforced loneliness looms, and Persephone contemplates a drastic choice to escape it.

Only one thing stands in her way.


Where earthquakes rend hill and vale asunder, and the abyss yawns to devour falling screams, the black halls of the Underworld await. The Lord of the Dead follows only one set of his own.

And he expects Persephone to obey.

Eris Adderly draws you into a spectacular world of dark mythology, where legends bloom with sensual new life and the stories you thought you knew turn out to be just the beginning.

This scorching hot romance takes the reader on a journey of discovery and submission, including graphic descriptions of sexual acts, and is intended for mature readers only.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 22, 2017

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About the author

Eris Adderly

20 books534 followers
Eris writes dark, escape-from-reality romance full of criminals and outcasts. Her stories are the stomping grounds for bada** heroines, untameable alphas, a spectrum of sexuality, and a serious disregard for convention. Expect the decadent and filthy, the crude and sublime, sometimes all at once. Pick a safeword and grab a towel before reading. She is a complete nerd and possible crazy cat lady. She will annoy you with puns.

Eris posts updates with information about her latest works in progress and more on her facebook page and on her website.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 241 reviews
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,752 reviews2,822 followers
October 29, 2017


descriptionWhen I was approached with an offer for an ARC of this book I was a little bit reluctant and a whole lot intrigued. You see this isn't anywhere near my usual type of read. But like I said, my intrigue had me deciding to step out of my box and give this one a go. And man oh man am I glad that I did because I ended up LOVING it.


The writing was fantastic if a bit different than I am used to. That said, I soon warmed up to this author's more formal style and think it fit the story perfectly. The plot although not new (we all know how this is going to end) still managed to feel unique and multi-layered in its retelling and kept me turning the pages. The sex scenes were hot. Although I do wish it had been a bit MORE kinky and depraved. The secondary characters (mostly Gods and Goddesses) were interesting, and I can't wait to see what the author has in store for us concerning them. Both main characters were well developed and likable. I LOVED Hades, I mean who doesn't? He IS the ultimate bad boy, isn't he? I adored Persephone as well. Strong-willed but struggling to find what is lacking in her life. They both find precisely what they need in each other.


Not much left to say really. I am glad I stepped out of my box and took a chance on this one. It was an excellent read, and I am looking forward to seeing what (who) the author has in store for us next. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.description




Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,243 reviews1,491 followers
October 4, 2017
Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

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🌟🌟🌟🌟Satisfying Stars
I Picked this up after an author I love recommended this on Facebook, this was a win-win for me as my second major love (Books being my first of course) is history and mythology, so I really couldn't wait to get stuck into this story.
So Initially I didn't think we were going to gel at all, the writing style used here is so very different to what I'm used to, not sure how to explain it but it's like its got a more formal feel to it.
But I really didn't need to worry as a couple of chapters in I got used to the style and was soon majorly engrossed and in love with The Eighth House: Hades & Persephone by Eris Adderly.
I should also probably mention that I have a major soft spot for anything underworld related, It must be my attraction to the ultimate bad boys and the king of the underworld certainly ticks all the criteria for that scenario.
So everyone roughly knows the story of Hades and Persephone, well Eris Adderly has taken this mythical tale of old and put her own erotic slant to it and it does actually work.
No matter I have heard it before The Eighth House felt fresh, giving us a new slant to this popular myth.
Even knowing the ending before-hand didn't take anything away from this experience I was still enthralled throughout, reading this in record time.
Having The rich tapestry of the gods as a background was one of my favourite aspects of this, not only was I reading a Stella book, I also got to immerse myself in such fascinating surroundings and learn a bit of culture along the way.
This seems to be the first book in a new series and I will definitely be checking out the next offering, will be interesting to see where this goes next.
So, in conclusion, The Eighth House is well written, it's also very obvious that a major amount of research has gone on here regarding the gods, so well done there I'm suitably impressed Eris.
It also kept my attention throughout and I would definitely recommend this to other readers.
So if you like a bit of mythology with your fiction give this a try.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Isabella - SnooRegrets.
517 reviews110 followers
November 12, 2017
I picked this book because I seriously love the Hades and Persephone romance. In my head they are those two ultimate badasses, that have the hots for each other and vow eternal love against all odds.

And this is my problem with most - to be honest all - retellings I read so far. Neither is badass enough, I am always expecting more. But especially from Persephone. For her to be Hades equal and the partner that rules with him the Underworld ... I have always high expectations. And they were failed once again. She went into the right direction, when she took control, but she was so very bland.
I am not that much into BDSM story’s, but I have absolutely no problem reading them and I can see why in the bedroom the „imbalance“ was indeed balanced out. But for her as a person, she was ... forgettable.

I was hoping for a little more world-building, but the emphasis definitely lies on the sexual relationship. It was a nice read, but all in all didn‘t impress me very much and most likely won‘t stay with me.

Off I go in search for a Hades and Persephone retelling, that can capture my heart.
Profile Image for ᗩᑎᗪᖇᗴᗯ.
488 reviews78 followers
February 24, 2021
"The heart is an irrational master"

Such a great read!

I've always assumed I'd absorbed a good deal of Greek mythology when I was fascinated by it as a child, but I was unfamiliar with Persephone and Hades' story before I picked up this book, and with many of the deities referenced within.

Eris has done a great job bringing them to life and bestowing enough background/personality on the relevant players without bogging proceedings down with a history lesson. I loved Persephone and Hades, and this vibrant and vital vision of their world, and I'm excited that there is more "Flames of Olympos" yet to come.
Profile Image for Soph .
244 reviews37 followers
June 25, 2019
The age old story of hades and Persephone is done extremely well in this book,
power play ✔️
Light BDSM ✔️
Brilliant use of language ✔️
Fast burn ✔️
I enjoyed this ALOT!!!
I would 100% recommend this book
Profile Image for Julia.
623 reviews622 followers
December 26, 2020
4 smutty stars.

This author has really been impressing me. This is the third book I've picked up from Eris Adderly and I've enjoyed each one. She does an excellent balance of story and smut; her sex scenes are off the freaking CHARTS steamy. It also helps that I am a total sucker for a good Hades and Persephone romance, and the fact that she wrote Hades the correct way thrills me. And lets not forget the awesome decision to make Persephone NOT A VIRGIN!!!!! THANK YOU!!! This author always gives me experienced heroines and I freaking love it.

4 stars instead of 5 because I felt like Hades was just a tad too aloof for the majority of the story. His character was trying to be uber mysterious when I wished there were a few chapters of him being vulnerable around Persephone, and not just in the last few pages of the book.

-Hades had previous experience but was known to not be a manwhore like Zeus and the other gods.
-Persephone had plenty of experience before Hades captures her.
-Both MC's never had sex with another god. Theyre the first and only immortals they've slept with and I think that really made their romance special
- Lots of dark smut. (bondage, rough sex, forced seduction)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rna .
341 reviews36 followers
August 5, 2018
DNF at 40%

barely understood what was going on honestly
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,183 reviews513 followers
January 19, 2024
"One does not entreat a flower to leave its soil and come live in a vase. One plucks the bloom and has done with it."
I love this author, but this one - as can be seen from the quote above - was written in an old-fashioned style that became tiresome, and the kink never quite materialized like I was expecting. Plus, I think it's official: Hades and Persephone retellings are just not for me.
Profile Image for E.J. Frost.
Author 26 books631 followers
May 13, 2020

I have read plenty of “retellings” but nothing that compares to this. The author has an amazing grasp on the time period. I could see, hear, feel, and taste ancient Greece. But the world building was so cleverly done, so imaginative, that it never overwhelmed the passion, love, and empowerment that’s at the heart of Hades and Persephone’s story. How can a story about a maiden goddess being abducted by the Lord of the Dead be empowering? You have to read it to see. You will not be disappointed.
Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Sans.
858 reviews122 followers
September 19, 2020
I’d have been over the moon if I read this five, ten years ago. Sadly my days of enjoying erotica are over. I finished because I am Greek myth TRASH and the story of Persephone and Hades (being the original beauty and the beast) will forever be my most favorite of said myths.

While I didn’t particularly care for or about the smut, the writing itself was good and the core subject matter was well researched. Made me want to pull all my mythology books out of storage and go on a binge!
Profile Image for Fatimama.
1,017 reviews63 followers
October 28, 2017
It’s a really romantic book. I’ve always loved the brooding Hero and Hades hits all the right spots. He is so hot!

What I didn’t like:
- too much purple prose, some descriptions were too flowery that I had to re-read passages several times. This is why it’s not a 5 star read
Profile Image for Gabby 😈.
118 reviews6 followers
December 9, 2020
DNF @ 50%

I had hoped this would improve, but it was a bit too much for me. The story could’ve been good, but the smut was just over the top and took up too much of that first 50%

I enjoy smut, especially now that I’m really getting into paranormal romances, but this was just too much and it hindered the story in my opinion.
Profile Image for Nessa.
3,452 reviews55 followers
October 26, 2020

HADES was more or less coerced by Aphrodite to abduct Persephone for his underworld bride, in exchange for keeping her lover's attention away from the pretty, young Goddess. I loved the attraction between Hades and Persephone, it was filled with a push and pull of sexual tension between the two, coupled with a subtle game of power play. While I adored the characters, and the setting itself was described wonderfully, alongside other characters, perhaps the writing style isn't up my alley. I mean, I did say I nod off once or twice, didn't I? That says a lot. Something important was missing to fully capture my attention, apart from reading about these two having sex. LOL. I was more certain about who Hades was, he had others backing up his personality and loyalty, but Persephone was a bit hazy to me.

OVERALL if you're a fan of Hades and Persephone, there's no harm checking this one out.
232 reviews2 followers
March 2, 2019
Dang! I wanted to love this book! I really did. Something about it was off. The writing maybe? The story line was ok. I loved reading about Hades and Persephone. But it kind of felt like there was so much more to the back story, or the history of the characters, and I never really connected. There is also the minor issue of everyone seeming to have more than one name, and you never know which one they are going to be called...

The sex was hit and miss. Some scenes had me wilting with the hotness, and some felt as if they were missing something.

Some of the visuals were difficult for me to picture, as well. Picturing the black orb that morphs into other shapes was hard for me. Picturing a bedroom with stalactites and stalagmites was difficult as well. All of the underworld, in fact, was hard for me to visualize.

So I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was probably me. This is a good book, lots of dominant sex going on here, lots of pissed off angry Gods and Goddesses, as well. It just didn't do it for me.
Profile Image for Dominique.
393 reviews53 followers
March 25, 2020
TW: Dubious consent, Hectic BDSM, power imbalances, manipulation, toxic relationship

DNF at 66%

I thought that I would enjoy this, but it was awful. It’s like fifty shades of bullshit, except Greek gods. The part that sucked the most was that Hades pretends to ask for consent and then does whatever the fuck he wants anyway. Persephone does say yes to some things, but it feels like she was bullied/manipulated into those decisions.

The “oil of desire” or whatever the fuck was basically just a magical red room. It’s kind of sad to me that you have to have multitude of extra things, including a liquid, magical “thing” that isn’t very clearly explained to have good sex. Persephone is boring, Hades has the kind of “Alpha” personality that I detest and Cerberus isn’t even a highlight because he’s so mean. The tension with Demeter isn’t even enough to save this story.

I’m really disappointed because I read some of the reviews and I did not expect another crappy BDSM thing that ruined my favourite Greek god pairing. I don’t mind erotica, but this was super gross and triggering.
Profile Image for No.
1,068 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2022
DNF @ CH.5
This was boring. There was little chemistry and the narrative voice definitely needed work. Details and comprehension were ignored in favor of suspense and all that came from it(the terrible writing) was confusion (like, things happened but weren't explicitly described so the reader is left wondering wtf the significance of X was).
Sweet pressure built in a way she wanted to both squirm away from and toward at once, insistent fingertips pushing firm and deep into the sticky meat of her fruit.

The writing can be overwrought to distraction. Not all the time but, ugh. Enough.
Profile Image for Carly.
302 reviews
May 25, 2020
I've always been a sucker for a Hades and Persephone story, and this is one of the better ones I've read in a long time. Hades walked just the right line of cruel and misunderstood, and Persephone was just the right balance of willful and naive, but not the annoying wilting virgin type of innocent. Plus, you know, the smut…not mad about that. Anyway, I pretty much devoured this one, and I'd absolutely read more of the series.
Profile Image for Serial Romance Librarian.
951 reviews234 followers
February 10, 2019
Great Retelling

Eris Adderly’s rendition of Hades and Persephone’s romance is imaginative and HOT! Wow, Adderly’s Hades was very alluring. Demeter was very annoying, just like in the actual myth. Persephone grows a great deal in the story. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’m jealous of Adderly’s imagination.
Profile Image for Katrina Hartman.
21 reviews4 followers
June 16, 2020
Wow, this book blew away all the expectations I had for it. It’s beautifully written, while still managing to be incredibly hot. The BDSM is done very well, and the characters have so much depth to them. It even made me cry! It had everything I was looking for. A great read!
Profile Image for chloe.
77 reviews
December 22, 2021
5 stars for the clamps scene ALONE but also for an amazing sex positive take on the myth where Persephone isn’t the maiden goddess her mother and the other gods believe her to be. I had a good fun kinky time
Profile Image for Jessica.
114 reviews5 followers
June 17, 2022
4.5 stars! I'm surprised this book isn't more highly rated. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The writer's style may not have been for everyone - descriptive, fluid, and lyrical - but it was definitely for me. This was a darker, kinkier imagining of Hades and Persephone, with darker proclivities, fierce passion, and a satisfying ending.

Contrary to what others may say, I thought the speed of the romance was totally believable. It was about experiencing that magnetic and morbid curiosity about someone dark or forbidden, discovering an appetite that this person can sate, not wanting to let go of that sustenance, and finding more to the dynamic than just that transaction.

BIG bonus for clearly well-researched Greek mythological context. My Edith Hamilton-loving heart SANG at the layered and masterful integration of mythos.

What lost half a star for me were the interludes between Hades and Persephone scenes. I almost wish those perspectives (Demeter, Aphrodite, Zeus) had been provided through a messenger of the underworld or something, so we could have stayed there for more of the story. I found myself skimming the upper world parts, and it made Persephone's big moment feel less impactful because of how much time had already been taken from establishing the underworld.

Doesn't matter, though. I'll still be recommending this book
Profile Image for Leslie OBrien.
723 reviews15 followers
April 23, 2022
I am a huge fan of mythology, in general and Greek specifically, and have been since I was old enough to start reading on my own. So it was no surprise when I picked up Eris Adderly’s The Eighth House, which is a fabulous retelling of Hades and Persephone in all its decadent glory and by glory, I mean…THAT.

But then there’s everything else. Ms. Adderly weaves a tantalizing tale filled with amazing images of a time long ago. The gods/goddesses are brought to life through carefully crafted prose that reads more like poetry at times. And boy, can they be petty. The humans, in some cases, are two-dimensional, while others like Polyxene, have a depth of character to them that made me feel as though I was in the room with them.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t make additional reference to THAT, which is hot and wicked and delicious in all the right ways, but that is the delicious icing on the cake that is the Greek myth, which is what I’m totally geeking out on.
Profile Image for Lorellie.
649 reviews20 followers
September 21, 2019
Love between Life and Death

"Again and again you have demanded it of me. ‘What is it you fear, Persephone? Tell me why you’re afraid. And each time I have felt your satisfaction, to be able to claim those vulnerable pieces of me. Because it is an obsession. Your own fear is an obsession, and you can’t control it, but you can control mine, and it grants you a feeling of security to do so".

A beautifully crafted take on a beloved myth, sure to delight those with a taste for dark romance and magic. I will be reading more of Adderly's work.

Profile Image for Chelon.
401 reviews9 followers
November 7, 2017
Sensual dominance.

There is so much sensuality in Hades seduction of Persephone. There isn't a harsh cracking of a whip by Hades to assert his dominance, but instead a subtle push for Persephone to accept and submit. This is unlike any previous telling of the relationship between Hades and Persephone, and is a wonderful beginning to a new series.
Profile Image for Janee.
2,627 reviews11 followers
October 29, 2017
All related

This book was pretty fascinating. I knew the history of the Greek mythology of Hades and Persephone., but if you really think about it., they are all related. You never see that when you read it. Hades and Persephone story always kept me fascinated. I guess that's why it doesn't bother me.
Profile Image for Tilly.
1,511 reviews223 followers
September 24, 2021
3 Stars

Smut level: 5/5

It was a decent read but not outstanding. I wanred more connection between the characters rather than just the rather kinky sex. The storyline was good and the writing was fine. I did enjoy it but it just didn't wow me and definitely isn't my favourite Hades & Persephone book.
Profile Image for Madison E..
51 reviews
December 15, 2023
Probably the best Hades and Persephone telling that I have found to this point. It was well written. It was hot. I felt the true plot to lack luster, however I don’t think the plot is what the people are here for. It was not cheesy, which is my typical complaint on these types of books. Would recommend to my friends.
Profile Image for Louise.
1,060 reviews23 followers
November 3, 2020
Got to 50 % and gave up. I just didn’t believe in their relationship to be honest. I love Hades and Persephone retelling but this one just missed all the good parts of their relationship. The balance just wasn’t right.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 241 reviews

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