import { DefineFunction, Schema, SlackFunction } from "deno-slack-sdk/mod.ts"; /** * Functions are reusable building blocks of automation that accept inputs, * perform calculations, and provide outputs. Functions can be used as steps in * a workflow or independently. * Learn more: */ export const CreateIssueDefinition = DefineFunction({ callback_id: "create_issue", title: "Create GitHub issue", description: "Create a new GitHub issue in a repository", source_file: "functions/create_issue.ts", // The file with the exported function handler input_parameters: { properties: { githubAccessTokenId: { type: Schema.slack.types.oauth2, oauth2_provider_key: "github", }, url: { type: Schema.types.string, description: "Repository URL", }, title: { type: Schema.types.string, description: "Issue Title", }, description: { type: Schema.types.string, description: "Issue Description", }, assignees: { type: Schema.types.string, description: "Assignees", }, }, required: [ "githubAccessTokenId", "url", "title", ], }, output_parameters: { properties: { GitHubIssueNumber: { type: Schema.types.number, description: "Issue number", }, GitHubIssueLink: { type: Schema.types.string, description: "Issue link", }, }, required: ["GitHubIssueNumber", "GitHubIssueLink"], }, }); /** * The default export for a custom function accepts a function definition * and a function handler that contains the custom logic for the function. */ export default SlackFunction( CreateIssueDefinition, async ({ inputs, client }) => { /** * Gather the stored external authentication access token using the access * token id passed from the workflow's input. This token can be used to * authorize requests made to an external service on behalf of the user. */ const token = await client.apps.auth.external.get({ external_token_id: inputs.githubAccessTokenId, }); if (!token.ok) throw new Error("Failed to access auth token"); const headers = { Accept: "application/vnd.github+json", Authorization: `Bearer ${token.external_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28", }; const { url, title, description, assignees } = inputs; try { const { hostname, pathname } = new URL(url); const [_, owner, repo] = pathname.split("/"); // const apiURL = hostname === "" ? "" : `${hostname}/api/v3`; // const issueEndpoint = `https://${apiURL}/repos/${owner}/${repo}/issues`; const body = JSON.stringify({ title, body: description, assignees: assignees?.split(",").map((assignee: string) => { return assignee.trim(); }), }); const issue = await fetch(issueEndpoint, { method: "POST", headers, body, }).then((res: Response) => { if (res.status === 201) return res.json(); else throw new Error(`${res.status}: ${res.statusText}`); }); return { outputs: { GitHubIssueNumber: issue.number, GitHubIssueLink: issue.html_url, }, }; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return { error: `An error was encountered during issue creation: \`${err.message}\``, }; } }, );