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Control Plane


The control plane contains all the scripts and resources necessary to create instances of Experience lab (Microsoft Azure Data Manager for Energy instance, portal site, TNO data set, etc.). It can be created in an Azure subscription via ARM template.

Installing the Control Plane


  • You must have the ability to create resources in your subscription.

Deploy Via Hosted ARM Template

Deploy to Azure

Azure Data Manager for Energy is currently only available in the following Azure regions. We recommend you also use one of these for the control plane.

  • East US
  • South Central US
  • North Europe
  • West Europe

Deploy Via Local Machine

Install the following items

  • Azure CLI (install)
  • Azure Bicep CLI (install with az bicep install)

You can use the main.bicep file locally to run the deployment from your machine.

az login
az account set --subscription "<your_subscription_ID>"

$location="<your_location>" # e.g. eastus

az deployment sub create \
    --name $deploymentName \
    --location $location \
    --parameters controlPlaneName=$name controlPlaneLocation=$location \
    --template-file ./main.bicep

Creating Experience Lab Instances


Creating an Experience Lab instance involves the creation of an Azure AD Application with a Service Principal Identity. You must have sufficient permissions to register an application with your Azure AD tenant, the ability to create a resource group with resources, and assign roles to a managed identity.

Via Control Plane

Inside each control plane is a template spec named CreateLab. Use this to deploy Experience Lab instances. You must provide a name and the default user's object ID (this can be retrieved from AAD in Azure).

Deploying it will create a container instance that executes

IMPORTANT: After the template spec completes you must go to the created container instance and complete a device login. This will allow the script to execute.


To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code ABCDE1234 to authenticate.

This script will create each resource included in Experience Lab. This will take approximately 1.5 hours. Deploying Azure Data Manager for Energy takes the longest portion of time. Once this is complete you can go to the created app service and browse to your Experience Lab site.

IMPORTANT: There will be another set of commands to run at the end to enable a redirect URI to your Experience Lab site.


az account set --subscription 6bea78f7-e27e-ccd1-bab8-bec000bc145f
az rest --method PATCH --uri '' --headers 'Content-Type=application/json' --body '{"spa":{"redirectUris":[""]}}'