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Order file demo

Order files are text files containing symbols representing functions names. Linkers (lld) uses order files to layout functions in a specific order. These binaries with ordered symbols will reduce page faults and improve a program's launch time due to the efficient loading of symbols during a program’s cold-start.


  • app/src/main/cpp/orderfile.cpp: The source code for the orderfile library that is used by the Kotlin app.
  • app/src/main/cpp/CMakeLists.txt: The CMakeLists either sets the orderfile library as generating profiles or loading the orderfile.
  • app/src/main/java/MainActivity.kt: The Kotlin app source code.

Profile Steps

  1. For simplicity, we have setup the CMakeLists.txt and you just need make sure set(GENERATE_PROFILES ON) is not commented. You need to pass any optimization flag except -O0. The mapping file is not generated and the profile instrumentation does not work without an optimization flag.
  2. Run the app on Android Studio. You can either run it on a physical or virtual device. You will see "Hello World" on the screen.
  3. To pull the data from the device, you'll need to move it from an app-writable directory to a shell readable directory for adb pull. We also need to transfer the output into hexadecimal format.
adb shell "run-as com.example.orderfiledemo sh -c 'cat /data/user/0/com.example.orderfiledemo/cache/demo.output.order' | cat > /data/local/tmp/demo.output.order"
adb pull /data/local/tmp/demo.output.order .

# Convert to hexdeciaml format on Linux, Mac, or ChromeOS
hexdump -C demo.output.order >

# Convert to hexdecimal format on Windows
certutil -f -encodeHex demo.output.order
  1. Once you get both mapping file and profile file, you can use this script to create the order file:
python3 --profile-file --mapping-file mapping.txt --output app/src/main/cpp/demo.orderfile

Load Steps

  1. For load, you need to uncomment set(USE_PROFILE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/demo.orderfile") and make sure set(GENERATE_PROFILES ON) is commented.

  2. If you want to validate the shared library's layout is different, you need to find and run nm

nm -n

Difference between Java and Kotlin App

The main difference between a Java app and a Kotlin app is the syntax. You can easily change this Kotlin example into a Java example.

  • Load Library
# Kotlin
companion object {
    init {

# Java
static {
  • Recognize an external method
# Kotlin
external fun runWorkload(tempDir: String)

# Java
private native void runWorkload(String tempDir);
  • Get the cache directory
# Kotlin

# Java