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Passive Goals Sample (Compose)

This sample demonstrates receiving passive goal notifications in the background using the PassiveMonitoringClient API.

Running the sample

You will need a Wear device with Health Services installed.

  • Open the sample project in Android Studio.
  • Plug in your Wear device and launch the app.

On startup, the app checks whether steps and floors data is available. If it is, you will see a screen like this:

steps and floors available screenshot

Use the switch to enable or disable goal subscriptions. Two separate goals are configured:

  • Daily step goal: Notification for achieving 10,000 steps. This resets each day
  • Floors goal: This goal notifies the user each time 3 floors have been climbed

On devices where steps and floors are not available, you will see a screen like this:

steps per minute unavailable screenshot

Show synthetic data

With the sample running, you can turn on the synthetic data tracker by running the below command from a shell. This will mimic the user performing an activity and generating steps data. Check the app UI or logcat messages to see these data updates.

adb shell am broadcast \

To set the "user" walking:

# walking
adb shell am broadcast \
-a "whs.synthetic.user.START_WALKING" \

To stop using the synthetic tracker, run this command:

adb shell am broadcast -a \


App crashes with java.lang.Exception: Not yet implemented

This crash has been seen when using the Wear Emulator, in the scenario where the Health Services version on the emulator is extremely old:

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    Process: com.example.passivegoalscompose, PID: 30333
        java.lang.Exception: Not yet implemented

To resolve this issue, ensure you are using the latest Wear image in your emulator

You can verify the version of Health Services using:

adb shell dumpsys package | grep versionCode

Ensure that this value is at least 70695.