import { Flags } from '@oclif/core' import { APICommand } from '@smartthings/cli-lib' import { chooseMode } from '../../../lib/commands/locations/modes-util' export default class SetCurrentModeCommand extends APICommand { static description = 'set the current mode' static flags = { ...APICommand.flags, location: Flags.string({ char: 'l', description: 'a specific location to query', helpValue: '', }), } static args = [{ name: 'id', description: 'mode UUID', }] static examples = [ { description: 'select a mode from a list of all modes and set it to be current for its location', command: 'smartthings locations:modes:setcurrent' }, { description: 'select a mode from a list of modes in a specified location and set it to be current', command: 'smartthings locations:modes:setcurrent --location=5dfd6626-ab1d-42da-bb76-90def3153998' }, { description: 'set the specified mode to be current for its location', command: 'smartthings locations:modes:setcurrent 636169e4-8b9f-4438-a941-953b0d617231' }, ] async run(): Promise { const [modeId, locationId] = await chooseMode(this, this.flags.location, await this.client.modes.setCurrent(modeId, locationId) const mode = await this.client.modes.get(modeId, locationId) const modeString = mode.label ?? ?? 'unnamed mode' const location = await this.client.locations.get(locationId) this.log(`current mode for ${} (${location.locationId}) set to ${modeString} (${})`) } }