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This plugin changes {toxinidir} to be the directory that executes the tox command, rather than where the tox.ini actually lives on disk. This allows a monorepo to easily share a single tox.ini file rather than have to keep copies up to date.

Deprecation Notice

With the availability of tox 4, tox-monorepo no longer has a purpose. It's usage has been entirely supplanted by the root argument provided with tox 4. Users should only consume tox-monorepo if they are forced onto the earlier tox 3.

To take advantage of tox 4's new feature in your tox.ini...

  1. Call tox with the addition of --root path/to/folder/with/tox.ini (still from the root of your package)
  2. Replace all occurrences of {toxinidir} with {tox_root}.

Feel free to reference this PR from azure-sdk-for-python supplanting the usage of tox-monorepo while upgrading to tox 4.


Once installed, tox-monorepo will actively post-process the loaded tox config and replace all instances of {toxinidir} with a reference to the current working directory.

Note that if there are any out-of-ordinary changes present within your tox config, it is highly likely that this plugin has not been tested with them. Reference Contributing section for how to reach out if issues crop up.


Tested on tox 3.1+, Python 2.7+


You can install "tox-monorepo" via pip from PyPI:

pip install tox-monorepo


Install the plugin, then try to reference a tox config from within a package directory.

tox -c <otherpath>/to/tox.ini

Note that all the .tox folder + any environments are now created relative to the directory that executed tox.

Complete Set of Updated Config Values

Base Config Values:


Env-Specific Config Values



Contributions are very welcome, though the plugin is extremely straightforward and shouldn't really require updates. Just submit a PR or an Issue on the the current repo!


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, tox-monorepo is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with tox-monorepo in the title.