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Azure Confidential Ledger REST client library for JavaScript

Azure Confidential Ledger provides a service for logging to an immutable, tamper-proof ledger. As part of the Azure Confidential Computing portfolio, Azure Confidential Ledger runs in SGX enclaves. It is built on Microsoft Research's Confidential Consortium Framework.

Please rely heavily on the service's documentation and our Rest client docs to use this library

Key links:

Getting started

Currently supported environments

  • Node.js version 14.x.x or higher


  • An Azure subscription.
  • A running instance of Azure Confidential Ledger.
  • A registered user in the Confidential Ledger, typically assigned during ARM resource creation, with Administrator privileges.

Install the @azure-rest/confidential-ledger package

Install the Azure Condifential Ledger REST client library for JavaScript with npm:

npm install @azure-rest/confidential-ledger

Creating and Authenticate the client

Using Azure Active Directory

This document demonstrates using DefaultAzureCredential to authenticate to the Confidential Ledger via Azure Active Directory. You can find the environment variables in the Azure Portal. However, ConfidentialLedger accepts any @azure/identity credential.

DefaultAzureCredential will automatically handle most Azure SDK client scenarios. To get started, set the values of client ID, tenant ID, and client secret of the AAD application as environment variables: AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET.

Then, DefaultAzureCredential will be able to authenticate the ConfidentialLedger client.

Creating the client also requires your Confidential Ledger's URL and id, which you can get from the Azure CLI or the Azure Portal.

Because Confidential Ledgers use self-signed certificates securely generated and stored in an enclave, the signing certificate for each Confidential Ledger must first be retrieved from the Confidential Ledger Identity Service.

import ConfidentialLedger, { getLedgerIdentity } from "../../src";

const { ledgerIdentityCertificate } = await getLedgerIdentity(
      // for example, test-ledger-name
      // for example,
    const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();

    // ENDPOINT example:
    const ledgerClient = ConfidentialLedger(ENDPOINT, ledgerIdentityCertificate, credential);

Using a client certificate

As an alternative to Azure Active Directory, clients may choose to authenticate with a client certificate in mutual TLS instead of via an Azure Active Directory token. For this kind of authentication, the client needs to be passed a CertificateCredential which is composed of a certificate and private key, both in PEM format.

import ConfidentialLedger, { getLedgerIdentity } from "@azure-rest/confidential-ledger";

// Get the signing certificate from the Confidential Ledger Identity Service
const { ledgerIdentityCertificate } = await getLedgerIdentity(
    // both cert (certificate key) and key (private key) are in PEM format
    const cert = PUBLIC_KEY;
    const key = PRIVATE_KEY;
    // Create the Confidential Ledger Client
    // ENDPOINT example:
    const ledgerClient = ConfidentialLedger(env.ENDPOINT, ledgerIdentityCertificate, {
      tlsOptions: {

Key concepts

Ledger entries and transactions

Every write to Azure Confidential Ledger generates an immutable ledger entry in the service. Writes, also referred to as transactions, are uniquely identified by transaction ids that increment with each write. Once written, ledger entries may be retrieved at any time.


State changes to the Confidential Ledger are saved in a data structure called a Merkle tree. To cryptographically verify that writes were correctly saved, a Merkle proof, or receipt, can be retrieved for any transaction id.


While most use cases will involve one ledger, we provide the collection feature in case semantically or logically different groups of data need to be stored in the same Confidential Ledger.

Ledger entries are retrieved by their collection identifier. The Confidential Ledger will always assume a constant, service-determined collection id for entries submitted without a collection specified.


Users are managed directly with the Confidential Ledger instead of through Azure. Users may be AAD-based, identified by their AAD object id, or certificate-based, identified by their PEM certificate fingerprint.

Confidential computing

Azure Confidential Computing allows you to isolate and protect your data while it is being processed in the cloud. Azure Confidential Ledger runs on Azure Confidential Computing virtual machines, thus providing stronger data protection with encryption of data in use.

Confidential Consortium Framework

Azure Confidential Ledger is built on Microsoft Research's open-source Confidential Consortium Framework (CCF). Under CCF, applications are managed by a consortium of members with the ability to submit proposals to modify and govern application operation. In Azure Confidential Ledger, Microsoft Azure owns a member identity, allowing it to perform governance actions like replacing unhealthy nodes in the Confidential Ledger, or upgrading the enclave code.


This section contains code snippets for the following samples:

Post Ledger Entry

const entry: LedgerEntry = {
  contents: contentBody,
const ledgerEntry: PostLedgerEntryParameters = {
  contentType: "application/json",
  body: entry,
const result = await client.path("/app/transactions").post(ledgerEntry);

Get a Ledger Entry By Transaction Id

const status = await client
  .path("/app/transactions/{transactionId}/status", transactionId)

Get All Ledger Entries

const ledgerEntries = await client.path("/app/transactions");

Get All Collections

const result = await client.path("/app/collections").get();

Get Transactions for a Collection

const getLedgerEntriesParams = { queryParameters: { collectionId: "my collection" } };
const ledgerEntries = await client.path("/app/transactions").get(getLedgerEntriesParams);

List Enclave Quotes

// Get enclave quotes
const enclaveQuotes = await confidentialLedger.path("/app/enclaveQuotes").get();

// Check for non-success response
if (enclaveQuotes.status !== "200") {
  throw enclaveQuotes.body.error;

// Log all the enclave quotes' nodeId
Object.keys(enclaveQuotes.body.enclaveQuotes).forEach((key) => {

Full Example

import ConfidentialLedger, { getLedgerIdentity } from "@azure-rest/confidential-ledger";
import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";

export async function main() {
  // Get the signing certificate from the Confidential Ledger Identity Service
  const ledgerIdentity = await getLedgerIdentity("<my-ledger-id>");

  // Create the Confidential Ledger Client
  const confidentialLedger = ConfidentialLedger(
    new DefaultAzureCredential()

  // Get enclave quotes
  const enclaveQuotes = await confidentialLedger.path("/app/enclaveQuotes").get();

  // Check for non-success response
  if (enclaveQuotes.status !== "200") {
    throw enclaveQuotes.body.error;

  // Log all the enclave quotes' nodeId
  Object.keys(enclaveQuotes.body.enclaveQuotes).forEach((key) => {

main().catch((err) => {



Enabling logging may help uncover useful information about failures. In order to see a log of HTTP requests and responses, set the AZURE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to info. Alternatively, logging can be enabled at runtime by calling setLogLevel in the @azure/logger:

import { setLogLevel } from "@azure/logger";


For more detailed instructions on how to enable logs, you can look at the @azure/logger package docs.

Next steps

Please take a look at the samples directory for detailed examples on how to use this library.


If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the contributing guide to learn more about how to build and test the code.

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