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303 lines (248 loc) · 8.07 KB

API Report File for "@azure/arm-oep"

Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by API Extractor.

import * as coreAuth from '@azure/core-auth';
import * as coreClient from '@azure/core-client';
import { PagedAsyncIterableIterator } from '@azure/core-paging';
import { PollerLike } from '@azure/core-lro';
import { PollOperationState } from '@azure/core-lro';

// @public
export type ActionType = string;

// @public
export type CheckNameAvailabilityReason = string;

// @public
export interface CheckNameAvailabilityRequest {
    name?: string;
    type?: string;

// @public
export interface CheckNameAvailabilityResponse {
    message?: string;
    nameAvailable?: boolean;
    reason?: CheckNameAvailabilityReason;

// @public
export type CreatedByType = string;

// @public
export interface DataPartitionNames {
    // (undocumented)
    name?: string;

// @public
export interface EnergyResourceUpdate {
    tags?: {
        [propertyName: string]: string;

// @public (undocumented)
export interface EnergyService extends Resource {
    location: string;
    // (undocumented)
    properties?: EnergyServiceProperties;
    tags?: {
        [propertyName: string]: string;

// @public
export interface EnergyServiceList {
    nextLink?: string;
    value?: EnergyService[];

// @public (undocumented)
export interface EnergyServiceProperties {
    // (undocumented)
    authAppId?: string;
    // (undocumented)
    dataPartitionNames?: DataPartitionNames[];
    readonly dnsName?: string;
    readonly provisioningState?: ProvisioningState;

// @public
export interface EnergyServices {
    beginCreate(resourceGroupName: string, resourceName: string, options?: EnergyServicesCreateOptionalParams): Promise<PollerLike<PollOperationState<EnergyServicesCreateResponse>, EnergyServicesCreateResponse>>;
    beginCreateAndWait(resourceGroupName: string, resourceName: string, options?: EnergyServicesCreateOptionalParams): Promise<EnergyServicesCreateResponse>;
    beginDelete(resourceGroupName: string, resourceName: string, options?: EnergyServicesDeleteOptionalParams): Promise<PollerLike<PollOperationState<void>, void>>;
    beginDeleteAndWait(resourceGroupName: string, resourceName: string, options?: EnergyServicesDeleteOptionalParams): Promise<void>;
    get(resourceGroupName: string, resourceName: string, options?: EnergyServicesGetOptionalParams): Promise<EnergyServicesGetResponse>;
    listByResourceGroup(resourceGroupName: string, options?: EnergyServicesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams): PagedAsyncIterableIterator<EnergyService>;
    listBySubscription(options?: EnergyServicesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams): PagedAsyncIterableIterator<EnergyService>;
    // (undocumented)
    update(resourceGroupName: string, resourceName: string, options?: EnergyServicesUpdateOptionalParams): Promise<EnergyServicesUpdateResponse>;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesCreateOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {
    body?: EnergyService;
    resumeFrom?: string;
    updateIntervalInMs?: number;

// @public
export type EnergyServicesCreateResponse = EnergyService;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesDeleteOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {
    resumeFrom?: string;
    updateIntervalInMs?: number;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesGetOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type EnergyServicesGetResponse = EnergyService;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesListByResourceGroupNextOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type EnergyServicesListByResourceGroupNextResponse = EnergyServiceList;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesListByResourceGroupOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type EnergyServicesListByResourceGroupResponse = EnergyServiceList;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesListBySubscriptionNextOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type EnergyServicesListBySubscriptionNextResponse = EnergyServiceList;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesListBySubscriptionOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type EnergyServicesListBySubscriptionResponse = EnergyServiceList;

// @public
export interface EnergyServicesUpdateOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {
    body?: EnergyResourceUpdate;

// @public
export type EnergyServicesUpdateResponse = EnergyService;

// @public
export interface ErrorAdditionalInfo {
    readonly info?: Record<string, unknown>;
    readonly type?: string;

// @public
export interface ErrorDetail {
    readonly additionalInfo?: ErrorAdditionalInfo[];
    readonly code?: string;
    readonly details?: ErrorDetail[];
    readonly message?: string;
    readonly target?: string;

// @public
export interface ErrorResponse {
    error?: ErrorDetail;

// @public
export function getContinuationToken(page: unknown): string | undefined;

// @public
export enum KnownActionType {
    Internal = "Internal"

// @public
export enum KnownCheckNameAvailabilityReason {
    AlreadyExists = "AlreadyExists",
    Invalid = "Invalid"

// @public
export enum KnownCreatedByType {
    Application = "Application",
    Key = "Key",
    ManagedIdentity = "ManagedIdentity",
    User = "User"

// @public
export enum KnownOrigin {
    System = "system",
    User = "user",
    UserSystem = "user,system"

// @public
export enum KnownProvisioningState {
    Canceled = "Canceled",
    Creating = "Creating",
    Deleting = "Deleting",
    Failed = "Failed",
    Succeeded = "Succeeded",
    Unknown = "Unknown",
    Updating = "Updating"

// @public
export interface Locations {
    checkNameAvailability(body: CheckNameAvailabilityRequest, options?: LocationsCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams): Promise<LocationsCheckNameAvailabilityResponse>;

// @public
export interface LocationsCheckNameAvailabilityOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type LocationsCheckNameAvailabilityResponse = CheckNameAvailabilityResponse;

// @public (undocumented)
export class OpenEnergyPlatformManagementServiceAPIs extends coreClient.ServiceClient {
    // (undocumented)
    $host: string;
    constructor(credentials: coreAuth.TokenCredential, subscriptionId: string, options?: OpenEnergyPlatformManagementServiceAPIsOptionalParams);
    // (undocumented)
    apiVersion: string;
    // (undocumented)
    energyServices: EnergyServices;
    // (undocumented)
    locations: Locations;
    // (undocumented)
    operations: Operations;
    // (undocumented)
    subscriptionId: string;

// @public
export interface OpenEnergyPlatformManagementServiceAPIsOptionalParams extends coreClient.ServiceClientOptions {
    $host?: string;
    apiVersion?: string;
    endpoint?: string;

// @public
export interface Operation {
    readonly actionType?: ActionType;
    display?: OperationDisplay;
    readonly isDataAction?: boolean;
    readonly name?: string;
    readonly origin?: Origin;

// @public
export interface OperationDisplay {
    readonly description?: string;
    readonly operation?: string;
    readonly provider?: string;
    readonly resource?: string;

// @public
export interface OperationListResult {
    readonly nextLink?: string;
    readonly value?: Operation[];

// @public
export interface Operations {
    list(options?: OperationsListOptionalParams): Promise<OperationsListResponse>;

// @public
export interface OperationsListOptionalParams extends coreClient.OperationOptions {

// @public
export type OperationsListResponse = OperationListResult;

// @public
export type Origin = string;

// @public
export type ProvisioningState = string;

// @public
export interface Resource {
    readonly id?: string;
    readonly name?: string;
    readonly systemData?: SystemData;
    readonly type?: string;

// @public
export interface SystemData {
    createdAt?: Date;
    createdBy?: string;
    createdByType?: CreatedByType;
    lastModifiedAt?: Date;
    lastModifiedBy?: string;
    lastModifiedByType?: CreatedByType;

// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)