How to Be Seen and Valued at Work Without the Hustle

3 authentic techniques to boost your workplace visibility

Lokajit Tikayatray
Level Up Coding


A software engineer with a smiling face
Credit: Canva

During one of our recent office coffee breaks, I had a candid conversation with a few team members about workplace visibility. Most admitted they feel uncomfortable or don’t know how to make their contributions known.

I wasn’t surprised at all.

Many professionals feel their work should attract the required visibility. Some avoid showcasing their accomplishments because they don’t want to appear boastful. Others lack the skills to market their skills properly.

However, your career is your responsibility. Knowing how to market your skills and highlight achievements is a huge factor in professional success.

The key is to learn to do it in a way that feels authentic.

Here are three simple techniques you can practice to overcome the hesitation and build visibility.

* Turn Small Talk Into Strategic Talk
* Focus On Value Adds, Not Hours Worked
* Don't Assume; Document & Share Explicitly

Turn Small Talk Into Strategic Talk

Instead of being on autopilot when conversing with one another (how are you? good, how are you? good, thanks!), use it to…



Blogger, Techie, Leader with 19 years of industry experience. Inspiring people through Technology, Personal Development, & Leadership —