Leading Energy Management Solutions Provider, Franklin Energy, Selects Good.Lab to Activate & Accelerate ESG Programming

Franklin Energy, a leading energy efficiency provider, connected with Good.Lab to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy.

ESG Case Study: Good.Lab and Franklin Energy
  • Company
  • Industry Energy
  • ESG Need Sustainability Strategy

Franklin Energy, a leading energy efficiency provider, connected with Good.Lab to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy. Good.Lab’s initial work with Franklin Energy centered on their strategic approach to ESG, enabling Franklin Energy to define, prioritize, and articulate the company’s most material ESG issues and develop a path toward meeting ambitious new goals.

The second phase of their work with Good.Lab consisted of performing a carbon footprint of its Scope 1 and Scope emissions with our easy to use GHG Emissions Calculator software. They also conducted product-level GHG emissions calculations for 2,000+ product SKUs.

Formalizing our sustainability processes has long been a goal for Franklin Energy. Good.Lab gave us the expert guidance and tools to accelerate our efforts to understand and improve our ESG performance. Their data-driven approach helped us to define areas of opportunity and chart a measurable course to achieve our ambitious targets.

Bridgid Lutz, Director of Sustainability, Franklin Energy

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