Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Change is Good

Not that anyone noticed my recent absence from Facebook, but lately I've made a few lifestyle changes that are greatly improving my physical and mental health: 

Eliminate sugar and ultra processed foods from my diet, eat clean, reduce calories, increase protien; focus on exercise (weights, karate, HIIT), cut back on alcohol; spend increasingly less time on social media and eventually quit, read more, write more. Be more present in the real world.

I'm keeping my Facebook account going, but only because it's often a great resource for book and film recommendations. I plan to remain active on Instagram for the time being, and will continue update my film diary on Letterboxd.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June Already?

 A few weeks ago, I caught covid. It was my second time (the last time was just after the second lockdown, which feels like a lifetime ago). This time it hit me pretty hard: a week in bed, and 4 weeks later, I'm still recovering. 

So the writing has stalled yet again. 

I'm hoping to get back to it this week. I have two stories to polish and send off to editors, a novelette to finish, and another story to give a final read through before it's ready to email to the editor who commissioned it.

I also need to get back to the novel. It's been so long since I finished my last novel that I can't even remember when it was. Again, it feels like a lifetime ago. I still have the urge to write, to create stories, so I'm hoping that will sustain me through to the end of this project.

As always, we'll see. We'll see.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Writing Update

I'm still working on my epistolary novelette, The First Road To Hell. It's almost there; just a few additional scenes to add, then it'll be ready for a final edit. I have a couple of publishers in mind to approach so we'll see how that pans out.

Recently, I downloaded the trial version of Scrivener. It's a terrific writing tool, exactly what I needed. Lately I've been trying to outline more (I was always a "panster" came it came to writing novels, but my approach needs to change to suit the changes in my writing technique and the general lack of writing time I have at my disposal). I'm using the software to work on a novel, tentatively titled Things Begun Bad. Hopefully it'll help to get me back into the novel-writing groove...

I have three new short stories to submit - responses to invites from kind editors. I've written all three of them and just need to go through the final editing process. I honestly believe that the short stories I'm producing now are among the best I've ever done. I've learned a lot over the last couple of decades and I hope it shows in the work.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

New Stories


I have some news regarding a couple of recent publications.

My story All the Things We Never Said appears in the latest issue of Michael Kelly's sublime Weird Horror (pictured above).

Michael has also posted the story at the Weird Horror website:

I also have a story called Anywhere But Here in the latest issue of a promising new magazine, Nightmare Abbey, which is edited by Tom English:

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Writing Update

This month I've managed to finish the 11,000-word first draft of a project that's been on my mind for years.

The First Road to Hell is an epistolary novelette about a man trying to locate a "lost film" directed in 1981 by his late father. The film was an Italian cannibal movie, but it's reputation is one of  real life debauchery and bloodshed. The story is made up from sections of an article the protagonist is writing, extracts from interviews with various people who knew his father, and his own fragmented thoughts as he searches for what seems to be a surviving copy of the film...

I have no idea what to do with this story once it's done, but I'd love to find a publisher who might release it as a limited hardback with a cover that evokes the imagery from the posters of 1980s Italian cannibal movies. We'll see.

I've also written a new short story called Black Box. I started this one for an anthology I've been invited into, but I'm not sure if it's a good fit for that project. A rewrite and further edits will clarify things for me.

In other news, Ellen Datlow's The Best Horror of the Year Volume 15 is now available. Among some splendid tales by superb authors, it also reprints my story Lifelike. As always, I'm proud to be included in such a volume.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Terror Tales...

I'm delighted that my story Shall Not Be will be included in Terror Tales of the Mediterranean, edited by Paul Finch. This latest installment of the acclaimed "Terror Tales" anthology series is set to be released on Halloween from Telos Publishing and can be preordered here:

I started writing the story several years ago, during one of our holidays in Turkey. The messy first draft was hand-written in a notebook while I relaxed in the evenings over a glass of local wine.

The initial spark was the idea of Yabbel's Box, a phrase that appeared in my mind one day and wouldn't leave me alone. For a long time, I'd wanted to set a story in the area of Turkey where we'd stayed for three or four years running, and the story developed smoothly from these two starting points. It's one of my favourites. I hope you like it.