What's in a name? Apparently a lot, according to Infinite Undiscovery's creators. After all, the word "undiscovery" is made-up gibberish, an invention slapped together and coined for the purpose of drawing your attention and, most importantly, for giving spell checkers fits. It also serves as a plot hook, alluding to the notion that what you think you know isn't necessarily what really exists. Is the title an example of something original, the language manipulated in such a way as to create something uniquely memorable (and perhaps easier to trademark, to boot)? But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves -- this is a role-playing game from Square Enix and tri-Ace, how different can it be?

Well, there's a relatively original approach to the lead character's back story, for starters. Our hero is Capell, a flute-playing scamp who's been put behind bars in a case of mistaken identity. You see, unfortunately for Capell, he's the spitting image of a true hero named Siegfried. Whether they were separated at birth or not is unclear, but what we do know is that like every unlikely hero from videogames, Capell just needs a little bit of a nudge in order to get his heroic side up to speed.

The Magic Flute

The person best suited to get him into damsel-saving, dragon-slaying shape is one Aya, the pretty heroine of this tale, and the candidate most likely to become Infinite Undiscovery's primary love interest. She bails Capell out of the cell he's locked in, employing stealth as well as some acrobatic combat techniques and a wicked-looking knife against his captor. She's really quite impressive, until she's promptly knocked unconscious -- conveniently handing our hero an opportunity to show her what he's made of.

These are very attractive characters, and one of the first things you'll notice when looking at the character models in Infinite Undiscovery is how their skin reveals blemishes, freckles, and subtle variations in tone such that no two complexions look quite identical. Their eyes are large and expressive, but not quite so exaggerated as to bring them into manga territory.

In the trailer sequence that we were shown, enormous monsters abounded, showing that there was a good chance that this would be the traditional sort of role-playing adventure where boy meets girl, boy fights giant squid, boy discovers destiny, and so on. Little snippets of different scenes from Infinite Undiscovery revealed that there would be flashy martial-arts inspired combat moves for Capell to learn, exotic mounts for him to ride, and all sorts of evil-looking enemies for him to slay.