We were shown quite a few stirring out-of-combat dialogue sequences and story spoilers, but it would be a disservice to discuss these so close to release. Instead, we'll point out that much effort was clearly put into creating believable characters and presenting compelling, one might even say agonizing situations that will not only test the player's resolve, but also reflect on their personalities. How you play the game, and what decisions you make should really matter, something that role-playing fans often clamor for. The influence of games like Fallout and System Shock is easy to see from the get-go.

If there's a complaint to be made about the current near-final state of Mass Effect, it's that when you see the game first-hand, the visuals don't seem to have quite have the same crisp and clear definition that we've seen in some of the movies and screenshots released to date. There's a grainy filter, almost like a dithering effect that gives the game more of a hand-drawn look than we expected. This filter can apparently be removed, but it seems like an intentional effort to capture a particular feel. Some players may like this effect, but it has an odd effect on shadows, particularly those cast by features on player-created faces and character models.

I Shoot Magic Lasers Into the Darkness

The combat also tries to strike a balance between third-person action shooter gameplay and traditional turn-based mechanics. The result is in a shooter that doesn't feel much like one, as pressing the firing button doesn't so much take aiming into account, as it does initiate a hidden die roll that figures out your dealt damage, efficiency, and so on. It's a bit strange when you first notice your projectile fire tagging your foes with great accuracy, even when the reticle is far off the mark. This was an intentional design decision, as this is far from being a "twitch" based game, but the friendly aiming may make some players cry foul.

That being said, Mass Effect is easily one of the most exciting games we've had a chance to get our hands on this year. The production values are absolutely through the roof, with some of the most attractive alien character designs we've ever seen, putting the menagerie of space-borne miscreants from that famed bar on Tatooine to shame. The graphics are tremendous, but even if you set the visuals aside, the game appears to deliver on the high standards BioWare has set for itself. The universe and alternate future portrayed in Mass Effect appear well thought-out, complex, and should be unimaginably fun to explore. If you're a fan of role-playing games, you really shouldn't be thinking twice about checking out Mass Effect as soon as it cruises onto store shelves in November.