A few months ago, our friends over at TeamXbox broke the news that Epic's Gears of War 2 was available for pre-order on Amazon.com. Yesterday, they found out that the Gears prequel will officially be titled "Gears of War: The Pendulum Wars", but that wasn't the only big Gears news of the day. Although it's far from definite, there's a good chance that we may be hearing some news on a sequel to the best-selling Xbox 360 game of 2006.

After doing a bit of snooping, our sister site found the floor plans for the 2008 Game Developers Conference and quickly noticed that not only do Microsoft and Epic have the biggest booths on the floor, but they're also located right next to each other. While there's certainly nothing set in stone, we can't help speculating about what this portends for the future! Will an announcement be forthcoming? Stick around.