Tired of playing the same old Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 maps, even after you got your hands on the Stimulus Package? Activision once again has the cure for your recurring case of Mapathy: the Resurgence Pack is set to launch for the Xbox 360 on June 3.

Gone is the clever tease from Infinity Ward, replaced instead by a press release from Activision that makes a n00b's life seem lengthy.

Featuring five maps (no word on whether or not they're all new or we'll be seeing more maps from the original Modern Warfare), the Resurgence Pack will launch first on Xbox Live on June 3. Activision did not provide any details on the PlayStation 3 and PC release dates.

Activision did not provide pricing, but it's highly likely the company will continue with the $15 model it established with the Stimulus Package, which launched on March 30 for the Xbox 360. The publisher did say, however, the launch of the Resurgence Pack will be accompanied by two Double XP weekends. The first kicks off on Friday, May 28 in anticipation of the DLC's release. And the second begins the day after its launch on Friday, June 4.

Sharkey says: While MW2 fans must be ecstatic, my first thought is of Infinity Ward. As far as we've heard, the last thing the crumbling studio was working on was this map pack. With it complete and out the door on June 3, will that officially be the end of the company? We'll find out in a few weeks.