A strange fact of life for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 fans: you can play with your friends online, but you can't play with the buddy sitting next to you on the couch. According to EA, that's about to change -- co-op gameplay is coming to Battlefield via the Onslaught mode.

Up to four players can join forces to take on the enemy on updated versions of the Valparaiso, Atacama Desert, Isla Inocentes, and Nelson Bay maps. From EA:
Each map has a dedicated gameplay focus, requiring different levels of teamwork in order to complete the objectives against an onslaught of enemy AI. Vehicle warfare comes to the forefront in Atacama Desert while Nelson Bay focuses squarely on infantry assault.
"We want to consistently support the fans playing the game with new ways to get into multiplayer and also challenge the elite players with new experiences to improve their performance online," Battlefield's Senior Producer Patrick Bach told the game's official blog. "Effective squad play is the key to success in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer and this new mode will provide players with a dedicated environment to test their team skills and rank against the competition."

EA also released a trailer of Onslaught in action:

No release date was announced, other than "coming soon." Onslaught mode will be available for download on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.

Sharkey says: Funny, I was playing BC2 with a friend this weekend and we were lamenting the lack of co-op play. Ask and you shall receive! Now I'd also like $10 million and a copy of Red Dead Redemption, please. Also, sorry PC gamers, looks like you're out of luck on this one.