Electronic Arts billed DICE's Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as a worthy challenger to Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. But after its first week on the shelves, it appears EA had no idea just how popular Bad Company 2 would become, as droves of gamers flocked to the game and wreaked havoc on EA's ill-prepared servers all weekend long.

If you logged on to play Battlefield this weekend, it's likely you read this message more than once: "You have lost connection from EA's servers. Please check your network connection and try again." That's because, according to EA, the demand to play the game was far greater than anticipated. In a statement on the official Battlefield Forum, EA said it's taking steps to meet the unprecedented demand.
All teams are actively engaged in diagnosis and remediation. We are adding additional services to alleviate load.

Despite having a major infrastructure in place, the peak traffic this weekend has been huge, 400% higher than any other Battlefield's peak simultaneous users. The teams will continue to monitor the services closely. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will provide further updates on the latest developments as they are relevant.

Just how many copies of Battlefield did EA sell in the game's first week? The official numbers aren't available yet, but according to public sales information on Amazon.com, the title was the top seller across all platforms in North America. And in the UK, GfK Chart Track reports that Bad Company 2 is the "best ever launch for any game released this early in the year."

Sharkey says: It appears the sales numbers are going to be massive, but still, EA really dropped the ball on this one. Based on the sales of Modern Warfare 2, we all know the FPS genre is at the height of its popularity. EA should have been better prepared.