Responding to popular demand for four-player co-op in Army of Two: The 40th Day, executive producer Reid Schneider devised a new multiplayer mode called Extraction, similar to Uncharted 2's cooperative mode. But the mode, according to G4, won't be available to everyone on day one, as it's currently meant to be a one-month exclusive bonus for pre-orders.

According to The 40th Day's lead designer, Eric Chartrand, "The first multiplayer mode, and in my opinion the most exciting, is Extraction. Extraction is a new game mode that was devised as a bonus for pre-orders, giving gamers who pre-order a month of exclusive access."

In addition to four-player co-op, Extraction also allows players to customize Army of Two's iconic shoulder and helmet armor pieces via an in-game editor. The 40th Day is scheduled to release next year on January 12th.

Tyler says: Wow, this is gonna end badly. The game is being released in the claustrophobic Q1 2010. Here's my impression of Joe/Jane gamer shopping for games next year: "Hmm, Army of Two is not gonna let me play all of its content for a month... oh here's Splinter Cell: Conviction, wow BioShock 2 is out... Heavy Rain that looks cool, God of War 3 is bad-ass, MAG, that shooter isn't locking me out of content... Mass Effect 2 sounds good too, Alan Wake looks deep... Lots to chose from, good thing I can rule out that one game that won't let me play 4-player co-op." End scene.