In a strange move, 2K games and Bethesda are bringing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and BioShock together into a bundle. The package will retail for $39.99 on 360 and $29.99 on PC. Both games received high scores here on GameSpy, and have garnered over 80 Game of the Year awards combined.

Picture unrelated.

Anthony says: I've seen lots of bundles in stores, but usually they're of cheap games that no one wants anyway. But while this is a great deal, especially for the amount of time to dollars you'll be spending, I can't imagine that it sounds that fantastic to most hardcore gamers out there since they probably already own one or both of these games. I guess the target audience really isn't the core at all, but an expansion to the everyday person who walks into their local Wal-Mart and sees two games for a price that's cheaper than one brand-new game.

The only question I have: Where's the PS3 bundle?