Although a lack of cooperative play wasn't a big deal in the past, discerning gamers want more for their money, and it's starting to become an issue. When Halo 2 was released, for instance, the biggest complaint (aside from the ending, of course) was the lack on online co-op. Nearly everyone I know played through the first game with a friend via splitscreen at least once, and many fingers were crossed in hopes that the sequel would takes things to the next level. Alas, it was not to be, although the stellar head-to-head online multiplayer more than makes up for its omission.

Developers have been listening to our complaints, however, and 2005 will be seeing the release of several high profile games that support online co-op play. On the first-person shooter front, gamers will be able to team up with a buddy to dispatch Hell's minions in the impressive looking Doom 3. It's not yet known how the actual gameplay will work or if levels will be designed specifically to enhance the co-op experience (or whether they'll be different altogether), but it should make for a violently good time.

Co-op mode features 75% more broken arms!

The best online co-op implementation, however, is sure to be found in Ubisoft's upcoming Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. The developers have taken certain levels from the single player game and tweaked them for co-op play, ensuring that the series' signature style of play will be better than ever. There are also a lot of new moves that can only be pulled off with the help of a partner. One spot might require a player to boost the other up to a raised platform, while another area requires you to flip your buddy across a wide gap. There's even a bomb defusing mini-game, in which both players must cut certain wires at the same time, coordinating their actions via the headset.

As Xbox Live steadily becomes a bigger part of Microsoft's grand gaming plan, you can be sure that more and more developers will take advantage of the service to allow gamers to play through games together. Although there's certainly a ton of fun to be derived from blasting your best friend with a shotgun in Halo 2, there are times when it's more satisfying to team up, taking out enemies with coordinated attacks and solid teamwork. Once developers start to embrace the possibilities of cooperative modes, Live will be a better place to play.

[My So-Called Live is written by Will Tuttle, who you count on when the going gets rough. I'll pick you up, my friend.]

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