Miguel's unfortunately out, but we hope he's convalescing from his vicious jaunt through Northrend for the Lich King review. Gabe and Sterling are joined by Team Xbox's Tom Price and Andy Eddy, and lo and behold, we coax them into talking about other platforms for once. We also force Tom to do his Dr. Rockso impersonation at random times. C-c-c-c-hilarity ensues.

In spite of the bad economy, we also discuss the upcoming kickoff to the holiday shopping season, and how business analysts still believe that the gaming industry is immune to the pain that other sectors are feeling. That segues into nickel and dime DLC, and whether it's bad for a game's image. Speaking of nickels and dimes, Sterling thinks he's going to have to pay for more facial hair in the New Xbox Experience. Everyone tries to soothe his fears. We finish off this pre-Thanksgiving podcast with some favorite recipes. Really, you don't have to try them, and we can't be held liable if they make you sick.

Also, this GTA4 video makes us laugh. We're still not sure why, exactly.

Listen in, and get back to us however you like -- the comments section or feedback email at the bottom of this page, or directly over Xbox Live or PSN.

Will Tuttle: KingTut33
Sterling McGarvey: GSI Sterling M (XBL) or GSI_Sterling_M (PSN)
Gabriel Graziani: GabeSpy

For Your Ears Only

The GameSpy Debriefings, 11/25/08 (MP3)
52.4 MB, right-click to save.

Listen and report back here, comrade!